Soloplex C
Sundrex Soloplex C is a superior quality calcium-based grease formulated using from highly refined base oils, and carefully selected fats and additives to ensure good load carrying ability and long service life. Due to its advanced formulation, this grease exhibits excellent flow even at low temperatures. It is used in automotive chassis, nipples, chain drives, open and semi-open gear systems.
NLGI Grade
• NLGI 2.5
Pack Size
• BIS IS: 506
Pack Size
• 1L / 5 L / 10 L / 20 L / 50 L / 210 L
Pack Size
• 1L / 5 L / 10 L / 20 L / 50 L / 210 L
- Excellent protection against rust and corrosion.
- Superior performance over a wide range of temperatures (-30°C to 140°C)
- Excellent structural stability
- Ensure long service life.
- Good adhesive properties prevent water washout.